
Quick Morning Smoothies

I'm always in a rush in the morning no matter how early I wake up (or how many times i snooze my alarm) I just seem to never have enough time for anything so I always end up skipping breakfast, which of course leaves me incredibly hungry (and very moody) for the rest of the… Continue reading Quick Morning Smoothies


New Year Resolution – February

Hi Chics! As you may know I posted my "New Year Resolutions" at the beginning of January  with the intention of applying one goal in each month! This months was getting more sleep. I've never particularly had a sleeping routine, I've always just dealt with being tired ALLLL the time. Over the last month my… Continue reading New Year Resolution – February


Sleek Make Up – Lipstick Must Haves!

FINALLY, Sleek have come together and created my all time time favourite shades in one small kit, however I don't think you can purchase this anymore which make me want to cry (I should of bought at least 5!). However, you can always purchase the full size ones from Boots or Superdrug. I just wanted… Continue reading Sleek Make Up – Lipstick Must Haves!


My February Drugstore Make Up Wish List

Hi Chics! Now that January is over, I actually have money that I can spend on myself, yay! *bank account quietly sobs in the corner*. For the last month, I've been scrolling, wishing, scrolling wishing some more and scrolling through Boots and Superdrug and here are products I'm going to purchase next! Make Up Revolution… Continue reading My February Drugstore Make Up Wish List